What can I say about Flash animation?
For one thing Flash animation it is very labor and time intensive. Unlike shooting our videos for instance, which was more of a set up and go type of process. Animation takes a new attension to detail and some coaching as well to get from one step to the next. It made me think more about making some nesseary changes to improve workflow so I get from one step the next. That included the dreaded learning from trail and error, tral and errore process.
Which takes me to the learning curve which I think is the most intresting to me because Flash animation seems to take from every mediuam to create it's own world that can be as fexible as you need it to be. For instance with the video you are limited time and space to where can place the camera. Sometime limiting your shot choose. But with animation your camera can be anywhere, I mean literally anywhere. From the top of a building to the tip of someones finger or inside someones mind even. This can create dramatic effects to the animation. Opening up the possibilites to what you can do with the camera creatively. The ablitily to included interaction takes it to whole other level to me. Come on how many of us wanted to jump in to a cartoon when we were little kids? Able to be apart of that cartoon world where you an do anything that you imagation can dream up! Adding the interacation is almost like doing that! But overall thank god for Flash because I could not imagation sitting down and having to hand draw every picture for every little movemen. Flash it make the process that much easier.