One of the designs that I like is album cover art. Which has become a changing art form since the advance of new technology. One example is Jane's Addiction’s cover art for their 1988 album Nothing’s Shocking. The album cover has a black and white photo of a pair of nude Siamese twins sitting in giant floating sideways rocking chair with their heads on fire. But that is the obvious part of the cover to say the least. Other elements include the black and white animal print, pink lines that run along side of the photo, Jane's Addiction written in what appears to be hand written script in green letters above the nude photo, and the album title Nothing’s Shocking in what I would like to say is Helvetia. (But I can’t be completely sure.) Needles to the title Nothing Shocking was not reflective of the album cover, which was very shocking. So shocking in fact that nine out of eleven retail outlet refused to carry the album. Cause the label Warner Brother to release the album in brown paper wrapping. The cover was the brain child of the bands led singer Farrell. Stating “the image, like much of his artwork, came to him in a dream.”
What I like about the Jane's cover is that is not just a shocking cover, which is very rock and roll. But how the different elements combine to make the cover what it is. It might not have the impact if you change one of the elements. The all seem the work together to create a total concept. Take for instance the how the bands name is written in hand written script instead of a font. This separates the bands name from that album title with is written in the font Helvetia at the bottom of the album. The script writing is used to identify the band; it’s their logo so to speak. Anytime Jane’s Addiction’s is doing anything promotional you say their name written in this script. Even from the early days of the band till now. Thou it has taken on few different incarnations. The color of the script is something we have takes into account as well. It ‘s light green and stands out just enough. It not competing with the photo of the twins instead its complements and adds to the album cover concept. Another design element of the album cover is the pink lines that run vertical along the sides of the photo. Thou they are very slight they help to separate the photo from the black and white animal back ground which serves as another juxtaposing element that fits the over all album concept. The black and white animal skin background is another element that helps bring the album cover to life. The album title written in a might be a version of Helvetia. Is so different from the script writing at the top of the album cover creating contrast between the two. And last but not of the black and white photo if the nude Siamese twins sitting in giant floating sideways rocking chair with their heads on fire. Which is working with album title to create a opposite meaning between words and picture. Nothing’s Shocking is not a easy concept to put together. You have many different elements that have to play in a balanceing. According to Ferrell, it’s harder to get big flames burning on plaster twins than one might think.
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