Friday, September 10, 2010

What I hear .....

What I Hear

The sounds of New York are numerous are as and reflect the environment and people that live in it. A reverberation of the boroughscape of this extraordinary city we live. Starting the day with the ear fullness of the morning commute. Rushing of passengers boarding transportation for school, work, etc. Metrocard being dipped in the bus fare boxes with a “slurp” then popping up a with a “beep” for the transfer of fare to confirm payment or “buzz” for lack of funds. The rider adds the emotional soundtrack of “oh damn”, “I think I have another card” or “ Can I please ride I have to get to work and I forgot to get a new card”. Being spoken in the various languages and accents to match the keep my neighborhood growing English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, and latest Hindi. Traveling down the street hit bump and potholes the bus echoes each greeting between rubbers tire and blacktop down it route. Once at the Subway station we focus on the token booth it’s clerk providing a combination of farecards, change and directions all accompanied by the beautiful sound of the static filled loudspeaker. That metrocard from the bus comes back into play again being swiped in the turnstile with hard thrust. A machine gun like sound of “thwacks” “thwacks” “thwacks” thwacks of plastic meeting metal. Still with satisfying “beep” or painful “buzz” same as the bus fare box. You can fill-in the emotional soundtrack from bus as well. We hear the train coming with the all-knowing notification system. “The next downtown train is approaching the station”.

As people run for the train you can hear their footwear striking the staircase to get the oncoming train. You can almost tell where someone is going based on the sound of their shoes. Thumbing heavy boots of construction workers, the click, click, click of the women’s high heel shoe probably works in an office, the quick rubber sole of sneakers probably a student in their way to morning classes. As we board the train it fills with brush of people on people on people. Both the bus and train have a combination of the following silence, chit-chat, the guy who has his earphones way to load so everyone can hear the latest thing on his mp3 player ,“Why you stepping on my foot.” , Turning pages of books and newspapers, babies of many ages, The preacher that wants to save your soul, (Fill in your own spiritual words please.) Etc. Each stop picking up more passengers with a chorus of “dume” “dume” watch the closing and the next stop will be. Until you get to your stop.

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