My reflection on the our past video project are that each stage of production Pre-production, Production and Post-Production all must work in balance with each other to make a successful project. This was evident even before we started any of these stages. Our idea and how it is developed into something tangible had to show that we are paying attention to the devil and the details that could possibly affect our project. This effect can be both in negative fashion and a positive fashion. Once our idea was secure and brought up speed our Pre-Production definitely set the mood for how we were going to set up shoots and shot. Most helpful was our shoot sheet and storyboard. With each shoot planned on the shoot sheet and drawn out on the story board it made moving from shoot to shoot that much easier. It think we would not have finished in the given class time without our shoot sheet. It was useful to us in the post-production stage aswell because we were able to see what shoost we need to use to put the clips together. Pulling a list of usable takes and pull them into the Final Cut Express timeline. Making smooth transition in the Post- Production stage were the biggest challenge was trimming clips so they fit just right not to much and not to little. A few second here and there can really make a big difference between clips working against or for your project. In the end working this project gave us first hand expericance of how all the stages take the theory of each aspect Pro-Production, Production and Post-Production together like they are the puzzle pieces of video making.
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